Monday, June 13, 2016

BOYDS - Monday

Today was our first day with Jim, the guide. Dad and Jon went in the morning and Dad and I went in the afternoon. The kids woke up about 7:20, which allowed us to get to breakfast about 7:40ish. Dad and Jon were just finishing up and talking to Jim. They changed the plan on us a bit which resulted in a river trip today and a lake trip tomorrow. I don’t love fishing with the guide in the afternoon, I normally prefer the morning shift. Unfortunately, I wasn’t there to take that shift, so Jon did. The weather seemed to be right to float today. Jon caught a 37inch musky while on the Flambeau River. While they were gone, we spent the morning playing. Daddy and Kaycee played in the wigwam and made a journal/book that Kaycee carried around all day. Then Tripp took a nap, while Kaycee and Mema danced around to Mary Rice Hopkins. Around 10:30a Kaycee, Mema and I went to exchange people at Hiawatha. Kaycee was sad to sit in her car seat because she’s been riding on someone’s lap, either in the passenger seat or drivers seat all week. When we made it there we walked down towards the river, but I eventually sent Mema and Kaycee back to the car because the bugs were terrible in the woods. Then Dad, Jim and I were off on our afternoon river trip. I started off the afternoon putting a 35inch musky in the boat. It jumped at my lure on my figure 8 but missed it. My lure popped out of the water, but I put it right back in and figured 8 some more. It went after it again and got it this time. It was exciting and stunning because no one was paying attention. Dad was actually figure 8 with his buck tale and we wern’t sure if it went after that or my top raider. Jim says it followed my bait back to the boat. After taking pictures, we released it back in to the river and kept going. Later on, Dad hooked a 20+ inch catfish. It never made it into the boat, but we did get a picture of it in the net. The rest of the trip went by, fairly quietly until the end. As we were rounding the bend to the end, it got exciting. I hooked a large fish near the boat and Dad had to help me wrestle it while Jim got the net ready. As it made 2 circles and kept fighting, Dad and I both realized it was a rather large fish. 47inches to be exact. The biggest one on the board so far this year! My record! I will most likely never catch a fish that big again. It was awesome!! We headed back to get cleaned up before dinner. Dinner was duck and pork with spaetzle, rice, red cabbage and sour krout. Then it was back to the cabin for bed time and then out to fish for Walleyes. Dad, Anthony and I did not have a successful trip tonight, we only put 2 rock bass in the boat. Oh well. Tripp is fighting with some teeth which is causing him to have a low grade fever and be rather fussy. Hopefully, the Tylenol helps the poor baby sleep well tonight.

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