Friday, June 3, 2016

Camping Club #1 - Lake Le-Aqua-Na

I bought Kaycee some special headphones to go with her new mp3 player. Jon was selling an mp3 player in the garage sale, and when it didn't sell I took it for Kaycee. I have uploaded all of her music (the children's worship songs, princess music, even the lullaby music) and so we tried it out this morning. She was so excited! I had to cut her off this morning, so that it would still be exciting in the car on the way to camping. 
It was! She loved it! She listened to the music for almost the whole trip! Yay, this is exciting because it means I don't have to listen to the Arky Arky song over and over again! 
We got to the campground, checked in and got set up before anyone else arrived. I love being in the outdoors, camping, with family and friends! I made a chicken and noodles dish for dinner tonight. It was not as great as I had hoped, but that's ok! Tonight we had a campfire and roasted marshmallows. 

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