Saturday, June 11, 2016

BOYDS - Saturday

After a small breakfast at the hotel, Kaycee, Tripp Uncle Jon and Momma went swimming. Papa and Mema went into town to gra b a few things from the store like milk, formula and infant Tylenol. Daddy watched everyone swimming until it was time for Tripp to bathe and take a nap. Tripp and Kaycee were so happy taking turns in the floaty and hanging out in the pool. There was another family with young children who hung out around the stairs, teaching Kaycee to sit on the stairs and walk in and out of the water. Kaycee, Uncle Jon and Momma swam for a while after Tripp took a nap and then bathed and got dressed. After packing up, we drove an hour (ish) to Monicals for lunch. Kaycee and Tripp shared some tortellini, Mema and Papa shared a mushroom/pepperoni pizza, Momma and Uncle Jon shared a Hawaiian pizza and Daddy had a deep dish bacon/pepperoni pizza. Another hour and we were at Boyd's!! After getting settled in the cabin, Kaycee, Mema, Momma and Trippy went to the beach. There was another family with children at the beach. Kaycee made some new friends! Kaycee waded into the water and played with sand toys. Tripp tried to eat lots of sand and eventually went into the water in the floaty. He LOVED it. He walked himself into the lake (while in the floaty) without any help and when his feet didn't touch, floated around kicking his feet, almost treading water. He was so happy! Eventually the kids got cold and it was time to head back to the cabin. Papa, Daddy and Uncle Jon went fishing and had a semi-successful trip, catching a few keeper size panfish. After showers, both children lay down for a short nap. Once the fishermen got back, we played a few rounds of banana grams and then headed up for dinner. (The kids had to be woken up from the beach-induced naps for dinner) Dinner was prime rib, baked potatoes and green beans with angel food cake and chocolate strawberries for dinner. They ran out of dessert and some of the table got crembrule (sp?) instead. Kaycee and Papa played at the park for a while after dinner, and then we all went to the office for fishing licenses. The kids went to bed after dinner and Mema and Uncle Jon stayed with them. Papa, Daddy and Momma went night fishing with minnows, trying for Walleyes. It was not a successful trip, we did not catch anything. It was however, super peaceful to be the only boat on the lake and watch the sun go down. Driving the boat at night is quite an experience. Tomorrow’s another day for lots of fishing and fun!

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