Friday, June 10, 2016

BOYDS - Friday

We started off our adventure at about 1:30pm, driving to Wausau. The kiddos slept for about 45 minutes, instead of the 2 hour nap they normally take in the afternoon. This provided us quite a bit of time to entertain them. Tripp mostly played with toys and ate crackers. Kaycee played with her new Minnie/Daisy magnetic dress up dolls, ate some snacks and listened to her MP3 player. We thought about stopping about 30 minutes from our hotel for a bathroom break, but ended up driving straight through. After checking in and getting settled in the room, Kaycee and Momma went swimming in the pool. Kaycee had a blast and showed off her swimming skills. She’s getting really comfortable in the water, leaning back to put her head in, turning from side to side to get her ears wet. She even let Momma throw her and she jumped to Momma from the side of the pool. Anthony tried to get Tripp to nap several times, and eventually he did take a short nap before dinner time. We met Mema and Papa and Uncle Jon at Hu Hot for dinner. Kaycee was so worn out that she ended falling asleep on the bench next to Momma instead of eating her dinner. (Good insight into how tired she gets after swimming!) Dinner was tasty of course! The kids went to sleep as soon as we got back to the hotel and the adults played Flux, which Anthony won 4 times in a row and then Takanoko before heading to bed. Tomorrow we head for Boyd's!

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