Thursday, June 23, 2016

Magic Lounge Date

Unfortunately, Lovee did not come over this morning with Olive. It proved to be a difficult day with out it. We tried nap time like normal with a regular paci and it did not work out the way I would have loved it to. After an hour of on again off again screaming, I ended up swaddling Olive's arms in the swaddle so she couldn't rip the paci out and then she slept, for a while at least. We'll remember lovee tomorrow and it'll be a better day!! 
Tonight Molly watched our kids so we could go on a date. For Easter I had given Anthony a groupon for tickets to the Magic Lounge in downtown Chicago. The tickets were only good for Thursday nights and it expired tonight. So we went! We got downtown too late to have a nice dinner, so we ran through fast food in order to get to the lounge early enough to get seats. The doors opened at 7:30 and we got there at 7:40. We were late. We did manage to get seats on the side of the theater, in the front row, which were ok seats. Next time we'll come early early and get good seats, or we'll pay the extra price to secure seats in the front row. It started off with magicians coming around and doing slight of hand magic right in front of you. That was neat! Then during the opening act I was called on stage as a volunteer for a disappearing egg act. As a reward they gave me a 2 for 1 coupon to come back! The main headliner was good! Unfortunately, he kept stepping behind the pole, which caused me to need to sit on the ground in front of Anthony's feet, It was worth it to see the magic! We'll definitely come back, probably on a Saturday so we can stay later!

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