Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Tow Yard/Police Station

Today I took all the children to run several errands. We went to several stores buying things for vacation and then went to the tow yard and the police station. I needed to clean out Anthony's car. Seeing the car again, and seeing all the damage really brought back the memory of the accident, made me sick to my stomach. But I was on a mission, so I cleaned out the car and double checked everything. Hopefully, I didn't forget anything. I even got the license plates! The police station was not such a successful trip. They wouldn't give me a copy of the police report because it was incomplete. They would only give me a copy of the first page which had the exchange of information, not super helpful. After finding a document online on how to read the report, I did find some errors and some concerning parts to the report. Just more anxiety until they finalize the report which wont be until Saturday, when the officer works again. 

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