Wednesday, June 15, 2016

BOYDS - Wednesday

(I apparently stopped writing descriptions of our days at Boyds yesterday, so I'll write them now instead)
Today, Dad and Anthony went on the large river with Jim. We spent most of the morning playing in the wigwam and on the playground and then taking naps at the cabin. When it was time to go pick up Anthony, I dropped Mom and Kaycee off at the playground and took Tripp with me. We went to 6 mile and sat on the dock waiting for them. It was cool to watch them coming whizzing up the river in Jim's big boat. Unfortunately, they didn't catch anything this morning.  This afternoon Dad stayed with Jim and went to a new lake to fish. Anthony and I took Kaycee out fishing, while Mom and Jon stayed with Tripp at the cabin. Then mom and Jon went fishing for a while. Afterwards, Jamey showed up! It was very exciting for Kaycee to see Uncle Jamey! After dinner, Anthony took the children back to the cabin to go to bed, and the rest of us went fishing on Little Bass Lake. The adventure started with Jon and Jamey having trouble starting the boat and taking 20 min. to leave the dock. Then the rain started and we fished in the wind and rain. Jamey caught a walleye the rest of us caught a big fat nothing! Eventually we decided to call it a night because we were cold and wet. We went back to the cabin to play games instead! 

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