Thursday, March 31, 2016

Activities, Big Boy, Stuffed Chicken

We spent a lot of time in the Living room playing today: puzzles, puzzles, fish, puzzles, books, toys, puzzles. (I'm over the puzzles, can you tell?) Kaycee then made a huge mess in the kitchen while trying to eat Rice Crispys. How do you teach a 2 year old to eat Rice Cripsys? Tripp loves his Johnny Jumper and would jump in it for at least 30 minutes. Kaycee and I played playdoh and did letters on the fridge. This afternoon, Trippy worked on his crawling... and by crawling I mean rocking back and forth on his hands and knees. It'll be a while and we're not pushing him. Actually, I dont care if it takes a while. Less work/worries for me if he's not mobile! I made chicken stuffed with ricotta cheese and veggies for dinner tonight. Super tasty!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

VBS Meetings, Crunch Wraps

This morning I took the kiddos to church so I could have some VBS meetings with Rob and Brian. Kaycee didn't want to play in the nursery, by herself, like I had anticipated. Instead she played in Brian's office. Of course this meant many interruptions until Rob came to our rescue and took her into his office to play with duplos. Brian was super helpful in the superhero category! Then I talked with Rob about T-shirts and other VBS things. I'm so thankful that he's done this a time or 2 and can take my ideas and run with them! I hope VBS is going to be great this year, I pray for wisdom through the whole process. 
Tonight I made homemade Crunchwrap Supremes. Very easy to make and very tasty! It's just like a taco and a burrito together. I can see us making these often!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Chicken, Small Group

I spent most of today making food for Trippy. I cooked a whole package of chicken, shredded it and mixed it with gravy. Half went to the fridge, half went to the freezer. Hopefully he likes chicken, otherwise there's a lot of wasted chicken. 
Tonight was the first video of the Basic Series by Francis Chan at Small Group. Anthony stayed home with sick kiddos, so I took good notes for him. Hopefully, we'll talk about it. He probably needs to watch the videos, I can't quite describe it as well as Francis Chan can. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Lunch with Susie, Ear Infections, Little Mermaid

I went to lunch with Susie today and left the children with Mema. Susie and I ate at a Mexican restaurant that had such delicious guacamole that I would go there again just for the guac. I enjoyed spending time with just Susie and acting like adults. Maybe next time we'll stay up late doing a puzzle instead. Mema texted me towards the end of our lunch saying that Kaycee was really not feeling well. I went out tot he carto get her and she complained about her ears. She said "Momma get it out, get it out Momma. My ear, My ear" So I quickly made her a doc appointment!
At the doctor's office, Kaycee started to act fairly normal in the waiting room. But as soon as we walked into the exam room, she started to cry. When Dr. Charles came in she quickly jumped onto my lap. She let him listen to her chest, but burrowed her head into me. Once Dr. Charles said "ok, I'm going to listen to your ears." She got hysterical. She wouldn't even let him touch her ear. I had to hold her head against me to let him look. He looked for half a second and sure enough she had an ear infection. Thankfully, her right ears were fine! 
So tonight we decided to have a special night for our babies who don't feel well. We watched Little Mermaid, Kaycee's first Disney movie! We ordered Chinese food and watched in front of the T.V. It was super fun and special! Hopefully, this medicine knocks the ear infection silly tonight! I can't handle her in so much pain tomorrow. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Kaycee and Tripp opened their Easter presents from us this morning before even getting dressed for church. Kaycee got a bunch of random Easter goodies like a beautiful hat, sunglasses, slipper animals and princess figures. Tripp got a music playing teether and some sunglasses. Then we packed a million bags and headed to church. Kaycee looked totally cute in her yellow dress and Tripp in his purple shirt and vest. I love Easter outfits, they're totally my favorite! After church Kaycee and Tripp both got to participate in the egg hunt at church. The kids all line up at the edge of the grass and then get let loose to run through the yard picking up eggs. We had Marty, Mema and Anthony stand on the other side of the grass and we picked Kaycee and Tripp up to run to the other side and collect eggs. At least they wern't trampled by parents chasing other 2 and 3 year olds! Kaycee got too excited about the candy inside the egg and forgot to pick up more eggs. Tripp just enjoyed sitting on the ground with 1 egg. Then we ate an Easter lunch, colored pictures, decorated cookies and fellowshipped. The guys stayed late to help clean up while I took the kids to Mema/Papa's house for naps. We cooked our Easter dinner and sat down to eat around 4:30pm. Alaina joined us for dinner again, which makes me so happy! 
I love Easter. I love everything it stands for and all the reminders of Jesus. I love spending time with family and light colors and presents and eggs. This weekend made me so happy!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Zoo with the Hill family, dying Easter Eggs, Day Care

This morning we met Mema, Papa, Jon, Jamey and Emma at the zoo. It was awesome! I love the zoo, and it makes it that much better to be there with family! We saw giraffes, and penguins and we even went to the Dolphin show! We left quite a bit later than I was expecting so we fed Kaycee and quick lunch in the car before we hoped she would fall asleep in the car for a nap. Which did not happen. So we put her down at Mema and Papa's house. She slept for a while, which Tripp did not. Mom and I went to the grocery store and when we got back Anthony went to PJ's. We had brats and burgers for dinner and dyed Easter eggs before we went home. It was a great day!
Lauren emailed me today and said that they would like to use us as their day care provider! I'm very excited and nervous at the same time. I have a lot of research to do! God is definitely holding the doors open now.!