Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Playing Kiddos

I'm a bit concerned about Trippy's chest, however our resident nurse friend, Frama, says that it's directly correlated to his constant drool issue. We'll put some bibs on him and see if it clears up in the next couple of days. The kids played and played and played together today. I love it when Kaycee begs for me to put both of them in her crib or when she lays down next to him and talks to his face. I love that she loves him and that he's the first thing on her mind when she wakes and the last thing she talks about before going to sleep. I love that she's so in-tune with him that she hears his crying before I do and always alerts me to his needs. 
Kaycee: "Momma Trippy's crying."
Momma: "Yes, Kaycee. I hear him."
Kaycee: "Trippy's crying, Trippy's crying, Trippy's crying." (Over and over again until I pick up Trippy and make him stop crying)

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