Saturday, March 19, 2016

Family Birthday Lunch

Jamey and Emma were here when we woke up and got to enjoy being woken up by Kaycee. Once the kids are awake, everyone's awake. I wish we could have slept in, 2am was a late night. Jamey and Emma played outside with Kaycee for a long time, while Anthony and I got ready for the party. Then Tom and Becky came around 11am. (I wrote the original email invitation for 11am and then forgot and assumed I had wrote it for 12pm. When they asked me when everyone was going to get there I was confused by their question. Now I understand. Oops, my bad. Sorry guys!) We at chicken fajitas for lunch, opened presents and ate cake for dessert. I am so thankful that we got such a special birthday celebration with my family. I love that my family loves my children and is so close. We wish Nana could have been with us, but can't wait to see her in April! 
After the guys left for the March Madness social at church, Emma and I took Kaycee to the park She went on the swings and down the slide, she climbed up things and rode the ducky and turtle. After a while, Emma and I decided to take them home, before it started to rain. It was getting quite chilly. Tripp's face was getting quite cold and there really isn't a way to wrap up his face while swinging on the swing. Thanks everyone for making Kaycee's birthday celebration so wonderful, she's greatly loved!

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