Saturday, March 12, 2016

Minnie Mouse Cake, Kaycee's Birthday Dinner

Anthony took Kaycee out this morning, so that I could have the house to myself to finish decorating the cakes and to clean the house for her friends party. I did have to do some erasing of pencil from the walls. I had been dreading the task, and so I left it for the last minute. Thankfully, my high power handy dandy eraser did the trick. 
I stacked the cake and put the boarders around each tier. Each individual white dot was hand applied to the borders, which took longer than expected (what was I thinking). It looks awesome though, and totally worth it!
The Framily, Carris's, Rays, Rebecca, Alaina and Nene came over tonight for Kaycee's birthday party. (we're having my family over next weekend for a second birthday party). We ate spaghetti, played games, opened presents and have cake/ice cream. It was a great birthday party! The Rays/Smiths helped unload more rubber mulch into the back yard as an added bonus! 
Kaycee got dress up clothes and a movie from the Rays, a purple outfit from the Carris's, art supplies and a movie from the Smiths, clothes/music and a movie from Rebecca, a movie from Alaina and musical books from Nene. She was soo excited. Thank you!!
Happy Birth Week sweet peanut, we love you very much!

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