Monday, March 28, 2016

Lunch with Susie, Ear Infections, Little Mermaid

I went to lunch with Susie today and left the children with Mema. Susie and I ate at a Mexican restaurant that had such delicious guacamole that I would go there again just for the guac. I enjoyed spending time with just Susie and acting like adults. Maybe next time we'll stay up late doing a puzzle instead. Mema texted me towards the end of our lunch saying that Kaycee was really not feeling well. I went out tot he carto get her and she complained about her ears. She said "Momma get it out, get it out Momma. My ear, My ear" So I quickly made her a doc appointment!
At the doctor's office, Kaycee started to act fairly normal in the waiting room. But as soon as we walked into the exam room, she started to cry. When Dr. Charles came in she quickly jumped onto my lap. She let him listen to her chest, but burrowed her head into me. Once Dr. Charles said "ok, I'm going to listen to your ears." She got hysterical. She wouldn't even let him touch her ear. I had to hold her head against me to let him look. He looked for half a second and sure enough she had an ear infection. Thankfully, her right ears were fine! 
So tonight we decided to have a special night for our babies who don't feel well. We watched Little Mermaid, Kaycee's first Disney movie! We ordered Chinese food and watched in front of the T.V. It was super fun and special! Hopefully, this medicine knocks the ear infection silly tonight! I can't handle her in so much pain tomorrow. 

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