Thursday, March 31, 2016

Activities, Big Boy, Stuffed Chicken

We spent a lot of time in the Living room playing today: puzzles, puzzles, fish, puzzles, books, toys, puzzles. (I'm over the puzzles, can you tell?) Kaycee then made a huge mess in the kitchen while trying to eat Rice Crispys. How do you teach a 2 year old to eat Rice Cripsys? Tripp loves his Johnny Jumper and would jump in it for at least 30 minutes. Kaycee and I played playdoh and did letters on the fridge. This afternoon, Trippy worked on his crawling... and by crawling I mean rocking back and forth on his hands and knees. It'll be a while and we're not pushing him. Actually, I dont care if it takes a while. Less work/worries for me if he's not mobile! I made chicken stuffed with ricotta cheese and veggies for dinner tonight. Super tasty!

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