Monday, March 7, 2016

Park with Friends

This morning Christina called me and asked me to watch her girls while she ran an emergency errand. I was happy to oblige and met her at the church. We started out at the park, although it was slightly chilly outside. After a long time playing, the girls were starting to get cold (you can see that Trippy was quite snuggly and warm in his bear suit), so we went inside. It was quite an ordeal to be inside. Champs had set up a table near the doors, and when I walked in I just announced that I was a member. The lady manning the table, didn't stop me so I just walked straight to the nursery. Once in the nursery I asked the woman if the girls could play for a little while. She agreed so I let the girls play while I started to get diaper changing stuff ready. I was then approached by a not-so-friendly Champs lady who aggressively told me I was not welcome in the building during Champs time. We finished our diaper changing business and then promptly went back outside into the cold. I do understand that they don't want intruders or strangers in the building with all their children, but I also believe that she could have handled the situation better and been kinder towards me and the kiddos. Needless to say, we had a great time playing at the park and Kaycee enjoyed Ry and Paisley's company! 

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