Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Jump Zone, Pre-Birthday Bash

We spent the morning at Jump Zone. It's the last day Kaycee gets in for free. She jumped and jumped and jumped intil lunch time. We sat at the tables and ate lunch, then Kaycee and Truett went back to play. A little while later I realized I couldn't see Kaycee anymore and hadn't seen her in a while. So I went looking. I looked in all the bounce houses then in all the party rooms. Then I ran around looking behind bounce houses and in places she could squeeze. Molly started looking with me and the lady who works at Jump Zone sat with Trippy while we frantically looked every where. I finally opened the boys bathroom door and called for her. She had gotten stuck in the boys bathroom. Apparently she wanted to go into the "blue bathroom". Since she could push the door open, but couldn't pull it from the inside she got stuck. Who knows how long she was in there or what she was doing while in there. I cringe at all the germs on her hands. As soon as she came out I scooped her up and hugged her so tight. After talking about she can't go places without telling me and how she can't go in the boys bathroom I set her down to go and play. Her first step sent straight to the floor. She smacked her head so hard on the floor. When I picked her up she wouldn't even let me see her forhead. I knew she was really hurting and sure enough a huge goose egg with a bruise. The Jump Zone lady brought her an ice pack and a capri sun, which was very sweet and thoughtful! It has been quite a day already, my nervous system needs a break.
Tonight we took Kaycee to the Rainforest Cafe. It was a cool experience, but I don't think it was worth the money. We sat near the tigers which moved throughout the night. Unfortunately, that really the only animal we were able to see moving. The storms were not very eventful either. Maybe we just went on a bad night. Anthony really enjoyed his food, but I was less than thrilled with mine. Maybe next time will be better, if there is a next time. However, it was a great pre-birthday bash for our sweet family. I can't believe my peanut is going to be 2, tomorrow. Happy Birthday Eve, sweet girl!

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