Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spring Valley, Cozy Cupe

Today Kaycee and I were supposed to go to the zoo. Unfortunately, it was supposed to rain, so we decided to stay closer to home. We went to Spring Valley instead. Their website says that they open in March, however, they apparently don't really open till April. The grounds were open for us to walk through, but they didn't have a lot of animals and the houses we're not open. We'll have to come back later in the season. We did see some chickens, roosters, horses and cows. Kaycee loved watching the horses. We also walked by the pond, where Kaycee wanted to see fish and turtles. Hopefully, next time it'll be warmer. 
Last night Anthony built Kaycee's birthday present from Nana. Kaycee got to "open" it today. We hid it under a blanket and Kaycee got to pull the blanket off it. She was so excited. Anthony and I thought it was going to be the best present ever, however... Kaycee was so excited that she lost control every time something didn't go her way. She cried because it got stuck on the carpet and she cried because she couldn't squeeze through the doorways and she cried because she bumped the wall and she cried because she couldn't close the door and she cried because her dolly wouldn't sit up next to her and she cried because... BUT she was so excited and loves the car. It'll get better once she learns to navigate through the house. (Once it's warmer we'll take it outside!) Thanks Nana for an awesome present!!

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